Plumbing Maintenance Protecting Your Home and The Environment This Winter

Winter Plumbing Preparedness: Protect Your Home in Kansas City


As winter approaches, it’s crucial for homeowners in Kansas City to take preventative plumbing measures. This not only ensures comfort but also contributes to environmental stewardship, reducing sewage pollution—a key factor in coral reef conservation as highlighted in recent studies.

Disconnect Outside Water Hoses

Before the freeze hits, disconnect your outdoor hoses. Frozen water can cause your pipes to burst, leading to expensive repairs. Looking for reliable plumbing near me in Kansas City? We’ve got you covered with tips and professional assistance.

Check for Faucet Leaks

Inspect your outdoor faucets for drips or leaks. Fix these issues promptly to prevent frozen pipes, which can burst under pressure, regardless of the material.

Interior Valve Maintenance

For homes with interior shut-off valves for outside faucets, close them and drain the lines. This simple step can save a lot of hassle during the colder months.

Insulate and Protect Outdoor Faucets

Use a Styrofoam faucet insulation kit to protect your outside faucets from freezing temperatures.

Pipe Insulation

In areas like garages or crawl spaces, insulate your pipes. Use heat tape or heat cables for exposed pipes vulnerable to freezing.

Seal Leaks

Reduce cold air penetration by sealing leaks around doors and windows, contributing to energy efficiency and less strain on plumbing systems.

Water Heater Maintenance

Your water heater works harder in winter. Drain it to remove sediment, enhancing its efficiency and lifespan. Be cautious when testing the pressure relief valve; it’s a safety feature but can be delicate in older models.

Optimize Water Heater Settings

Set your water heater thermostat to 120°F for optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Gutter Maintenance

Clear leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts to prevent waterlogging and potential freezing damage.

Sump Pump Inspection

Check and clean your sump pump and pit. Frozen pumps can lead to operational failures.

Travel Preparations

If you’re leaving home for an extended period, shut off the main valve and drain the system. Keep the heat on at a minimum of 55°F.

Caution for Uninhabited Homes

For homes that will be vacant during winter, additional winterization steps are necessary. Consult a professional for these specific needs.

Extra Tips for Fall

Prepare your landscaping for spring and check your HVAC system, especially if it’s older. Ensure efficient heating and check your sewer systems, storm pipes, and hot water tank for any signs of issues.

By following these tips and seeking professional help when needed, homeowners in Kansas City can effectively prepare their plumbing for the winter season, contributing to both personal comfort and environmental conservation. Need help with plumbing near me in Kansas City? Our experts are just a call away.